Hot Pink Pitaya Bowl

Move aside Acai Bowls. These Pitaya Bowls are taking centre stage today and for all the right reasons. They are delicious, nutritious and so pleasing to the eyes. There are so many health benefits from these gorgeous purple powerhouses.

Living in the city, we are constantly surrounded by air pollution and stress from our working environments which means our cells age way faster than they should. Pitaya is rich in phosphorous which prevents our cells from premature aging, meaning our skin cells remain taut and smooth for longer. Yay! Nature’s botox!

Pitayas are also a rich source of immunity boosting Vitamin C. They fight off free radicals that emit from our bodies. Have you ever looked warily at a fellow passenger sneezing away while you are stuck in  rush-hour traffic during your commute?

Well, upping your Vitamin C intake will keep your immunity levels up so that you can fight off those germs! They act as an invisible shield surrounding you so those nasty germs bounce off before they can infect you!


You can purchase ready-made pitaya packs but my way of making them is to keep the base real simple. You just need 2 ingredients – pitaya and coconut water. These are so easy and so quick to make, you don’t have to resort to buying those expensive packs.

My suggestion is to freeze the pitaya for a thick and creamy bowl that taste almost like ice-cream from the tropics. It is such a bright and beautiful bowl – perfect for breakfast or after a summer’s swim.

Recipe: Hot Pink Pitaya Bowl


For the base:

  • 1 cup frozen pitaya
  • 1/2 cup coconut water, unsweetened.


  • 1 Kiwi, sliced
  • 2 tablespoons of instant oats
  • 1 teaspoon sunflower seeds
  • 1 tablespoon of raisins


  1. Blend base ingredients till well-combined.
  2. Top with desired toppings to serve.



Thank you so much for reading!



7 Comments Add yours

  1. Vet Leow says:

    This look amazing! I always love the red dragon fruit more than the white ones….thanks for this easy to make breakfast recipe!


    1. Gem says:

      Thanks Vet for dropping by my blog! Do let me know if you try out this recipe πŸ™‚


  2. I almost wanted to ask you where to get this pitaya when I realised it’s actually dragonfruit! What a beautiful bowl of breakfast!


    1. Gem says:

      Thanks Jasline. The colours from Nature is just amazing πŸ™‚ Let me know if you tried the recipe!


  3. Yay pitaya! Or dragon fruit, as it’s called here in SE Asia. I love it as well– the color is amazing! Love the simplicity of this recipe.


    1. Gem says:

      Hello! Michelle, Thanks for dropping by. I love your website name, so cheerful πŸ™‚


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